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November 1st

November 1st is the 305th day of the year (306th day in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 60 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this page, we have placed information about November 1st, including famous people born on, historical events that occurred on, holidays and observances that fall on, and astrological connections of, this day.
Famous People born on November 1st

1815 Dr Crawford Long (surgeon, pharmacist - pioneered ether anesthesia)

1880 Alfred Wegener (geophysicist - proposed continental drift theory, meteorologist, polar explorer)

1887 L. S. Lowry (artist)

1935 Charles Koch (businessman, philanthropist)

1942 Larry Flynt (magazine publisher)

1950 Mitch Kapor (computer programmer, businessman, founder of Lotus Software, founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation)

1957 Lyle Lovett (singer-songwriter, actor, producer)

1960 Tim Cook (businessman, Apple CEO)

1962 Sharron Davies (swimmer)

1963 Mark Hughes (soccer player and manager)

1963 Rick Allen (drummer - Def Leppard)

1972 Jenny McCarthy (TV presenter, model, actress)

1973 Aishwarya Rai (actress, model, Miss World 1984)

1981 LaTavia Roberson (singer Destiny's Child)

1990 Mary Robinson elected first female President of Ireland.

November 1st in History

1512 The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo is exhibited to the public for the first time.

1683 The British Crown Colony of New York is divided into 12 counties.

1765 The British Parliament enacts the Stamp Act on the 13 Colonies.

1805 Napoléon Bonaparte invades Austria.

Napoleon Bonaparte

1814 The Congress of Vienna meets to redraw European boundaries after the defeat of France in the Napoleonic Wars.

1870 United States Weather Bureau (today known as the National Weather Service) makes its first forecast.

1894 Nicholas II becomes Tsar of Russia.

Tsar Nicholas II

1911 Italian aviator Giulio Gavotti performs the first air-strike in history by dropping bombs from his aircraft during the Italian-Turkish War.

1915 Parris Island becomes a US Marine Corps recruiting depot.

1922 Mehmed VI, last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, abdicates.

1952 United States tests first hydrogen bomb - "Ivy Mike".

Hydrogen Bomb

1963 The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the largest radio telescope ever constructed, officially opens.

1981 Antigua and Barbuda independent from UK.

November 1st is also

All Saints' Day.

All Saints' Day

Day of the Dead (Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, various other countries).

Dia de los Muertos

World Vegan Day

Independence Day (Antigua+and+Barbuda)

National Day (Algeria)


People born on November 1st are Scorpio


Scorpio Information: Scorpio Links:

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Disclaimer: Birth dates and other information are thought to be correct, but there is a possibility that some entries may contain inadvert errors. If you spot such an error, please contact us. Sorry, we can not accept suggestions for additional entries at this time, due to the huge backlog of suggestions we have already received.




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