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December 31st

Often known as "New Year's Eve", December 31st is the 365th day of the year (366th day in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. It is the last of the year - the following day, January 1st marks the beginning of a new year.

On this page, we have placed information about December 31st, including famous people born on, historical events that occurred on, holidays and observances that fall on, and astrological connections of, this day.
Famous People born on December 31st

1491 Jacques Cartier (French explorer who visited Canada).

1720 Prince Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Maria Stuart "Bonnie Prince Charlie" (Jacobite pretender to the British throne)

1738 Charles Cornwallis (British General)

1869 Henri Matisse (artist)

1880 George C. Marshall (US military leader, statesman)

George C. Marshall

1898 Umm Kulthum (singer)

1937 Anthony Hopkins (actor)

1941 Sir Alexander Chapman "Alex" Ferguson (soccer player and manager)

1943 Ben Kingsley (actor)

1943 John Denver (singer)

1948 Donna Summer (singer)

Donna Summer

1959 Val Kilmer (actor)

1960 Steve Bruce (soccer player and manager)

1962 Heather McCartney (model, activist)

1962 Lance Reddick (actor)

December 31st in History

1600 British East India Company is chartered.

1904 First New Year's Eve celebration held in Times Square (then known as Longacre Square).

1909 Manhattan Bridge opens.

1923 BBC first broadcasted the Big Ben clock chimes.

Big Ben

1955 General Motors is the first US corporation to make a profit of over 1 billion dollars in a year.

1983 Brunei becomes fully independent from UK.

1995 The last strip of Calvin and Hobbes is published.

2004 The official opening of Taipei 101, the tallest skyscraper in the world standing 1,676 feet (508 metres).

2016 US troops withdraw from Afghanistan after 15 years.

2019 China informs the World Health Organization that a new corona virus has broken out in Wuhan.

December 31st is also

New Year's Eve.

6th Day of Christmas

6th Day of Christmas

Kwanzaa (26 December to 1 January) - Celebration of Kuumba (Creativity)


Paul McCartney sues to dissolve the The Beatles legal partnership.


People born on December 31st are Capricorn


Capricorn Information: Capricorn Links:

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Disclaimer: Birth dates and other information are thought to be correct, but there is a possibility that some entries may contain inadvert errors. If you spot such an error, please contact us. Sorry, we can not accept suggestions for additional entries at this time, due to the huge backlog of suggestions we have already received.




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